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Zdenky Trvalcové.
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Welcome to the official
website of the slovak
singer and actress
Zdenka Trvalcová.
You can find info
about concerts
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La Belle Vie

Francouzskému šansonu s prvky gipsy swingu se Zdenka věnuje v programu “La Belle Vie”.
Za doprovodu výborných muzikantů, akordeonisty Michala Mihoka , kytaristy a zpěváka Tibora Židy , zazní známé francouzské melodie takřka celého 20. století. Budete mít možnost slyšet nejenom šansony Edith Piaf, ale i písně Djanga Reinhardta, Serga Gainsbourga, Lucienna Delylea, Desirless a dalších.

French chanson with elements of gipsy swing are Zdenka’s main focus in the “La Belle Vie” program.
Accompanied by the excellent musicians, accordionist Michal Mihok and guitarist and singer Tibor Žida, “La Belle Vie” is a presentation of French melodies from almost the entire 20th century. You will be able to hear, not only the French chansons of Edith Piaf, but also songs by Django Reinhardt, SergeGainsbourg, Lucienna Delylea, Desirless and others.

